August 11, 2014

My Placement School

I have finally received the news about which elementary school I will be teaching at this semester and I'm excited to say that it will be the same school I was at last semester. Also I will be in a first grade classroom, Anne will be in second, and the other two girls will be in third. I wanted first or second and I got it. Yes!

This makes me incredibly happy to be back at the same place because I am familiar with it. Three other girls will also be going to this school and one of them is Anne again. I haven't heard from the other two girls and I wonder how they feel about interning at this school. It's a good school and they will enjoy it I'm sure. 

I am hoping that by going to this school, since it gets out so early that my mentor won't stay there to late and I will be able to get to work by 5. I will close the building, of course. Then I will work just those two days, so not on Friday or Monday. 

Hopefully everything will work out. It's getting really crazy and stressful at work, so I know they are going to try and push me to work as much as I can. I am putting my foot down and not budging. My main focus is school and if work is going to be difficult, then I will make it easy and say goodbye. 

Here is my Placement School Schedule:
Aug 18-21 are the Professional Duty Days
Then every Wednesday and Thursday-
Aug 27-28
Sep 3-4, 10-11, 17-18, 24
Oct 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23, 29-30
Nov 5-6, 12-13, 19-20
Dec 1-5 is the Full Week of Teaching
Dec 10 is the last day

Those days could change because of the weather (crossing my fingers for not too much snow). I just read an article saying that in my state we are expecting a lot of snow, even more compared to last winter which was a ton. First day of classes begin Aug 27, though we will be at our schools on both days, so my first real class is on Friday. 

By the way, in the email my cohort professor sent us, we already have 4 things of homework due on our first day of class with her which is Sep. 2. Yikes!

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