July 13, 2015

What College Didn't Teach Me About Job Searching

I feel like after graduation I still need someone to help me with things. I went to a great College known for its education program, but I feel like there are some things that they could of taught me to help get that job. 

I don't know who to turn to for help because the girls in my cohort, that i would go to help, either don't know themselves or have different opinions. 

1. Applications: First off, I have trouble trying to find the applications on the websites. For different counties you find them in different spots and under different titles. 

I wish there was a class that talked about applying to the counties and what you need in order to apply like a cover letter. I did have a class about writing a resume

2. Cover Letter: I didn't even know what this was and while I am filling out the applications it's asking for it. I had no example to go by for typing one. When you google it there is an array of varying examples and I don't know which one is the correct one. Luckily, I asked my brother's wife and she gave me hers to go off by. 

I typed up my cover letter and attached that to my applications earlier in the month. I am hoping that typing that will pay off in getting a job. Also I had my mom read it to get her opinion and she told me that she was really impressed by it. 

3. Teaching Certificate: I don't know about every state, but in mine there are different types of teaching certificates and I didn't know that. I also wasn't sure how to even apply for a it, what you need, or when to apply. In some counties they will apply for you. 

Again I felt lost trying to figure how to get the certificate. There is just so much information on the department of education website. Thankfully one of the girls in the cohort found the letter we have to type to send in, so it will make the process much easier. 

I recently sent in my paper work for my certificate and hopefully everything will go fine.

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