December 22, 2014

Teach Week: Friday

On Friday my voice came back a little more. It was much better compared to the day before. My mentor did make it to the school. 

Friday. What can I say about Friday? 

It was absolutely crazy. 

So much was going on that my mentor did not tell me and I kind of got stressed. As I was giving the spelling test, my mentor has a lady that comes in every Friday and works with the students. I thought it was a whole group things, but no she pulls each student aside and works with them individually. 

So random students were getting up and leaving to work with her during the spelling test. Then they could come back and have know idea where we were. 

Then during whole group time my mentor had a parent volunteer pulling students out to do something. This was when I was explaining their seatwork that they were going to do. So when it was time for some students seatwork they did not know what to do. 

Also before that I completely forgot about the seatwork and did not have anything planned. I felt horrible when my mentor asked me about it. Thankfully we pulled through it and she talked to me latter about what I could do if I was by myself and stuff. 

Latter in the day we took the science test, which I graded latter and would need to the grades for my Cycle of Learning. Needless to say the grades were not that great. But it's a learning experience and I am learning for when I have my own classroom. 

Finally Cycle of Learning my over. I needed sleep so bad and my body would not let me have it. I kept waking up early throughout the following week. 

Lastly, this will be my last post until Dec. 29, so enjoy the holidays and spend time with your loved ones!

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