January 26, 2015

My Final Semester Begins!

Today my semester begins, but I got lucky because it's a teacher grading day and my mentor is staying home to grade. So tomorrow my semester will really begin. I can't believe it's my last semester in college. I know this semester is going to go by so fast just like all the other semesters. 

It was suppose to snow quite a bit, but then latter last night they lowered the snow total and say another clipper is suppose to hit on Tuesday, so there might be no school tomorrow. Which I kind of am hopping for. 

I also want to take this time to talk about when I will be posting. I can't post everyday when I go to my internship because that would be everyday and I will not be able to keep up with that. Instead I will be posting everyday Monday and Friday. On Mondays I will discuss what I did during my internship from the week prior. And Fridays will be whatever I feel like posting.  It might be about how the semester is going or whatever. 

Anyways... on the 22nd we had an orientation about this semester. They discussed what will be happening during are last semester:

Let me first of by saying that I love my university, but they do not have it together this school year. We never got an email about what time the orientation was or which room it was in. So a girl in another cohort thought it was going to be at 10 when she was signing up for Praxis 2 and you can't change the date, well it would cost money. The girl went to leave will the ECED Head was talking and she stopped her. The ECED Head was chewing her ear out. Then everyone was saying we never got an email. Then the ECED Head told us to shush and said that there is new administration. She didn't say sorry. 

Then the ECED Head was talking about our Supervisors and another girl asked her if the Supervisors are the same as are seminar professors and she started to chew her ear out also. Everyone started saying they did not know their supervisors either. She brushed us off again and made it seem like it was our fault.  

Anyways, they are not the same people and basically my Supervisor seems really nice and appears to know what she is doing unlike my cohort professor from last semester. So we shall see. I am nervous to have a new person watching my lessons, but I think all will be fine. 

We will spend 8 weeks with our pre-primary mentor and 8 weeks with our primary mentor. There will only be one intern with each teacher. So I will be with my pre-primary mentor first and Anne will be with her primary mentor first. Then after 8 weeks she will be with our pre-primary mentor and I will be with my primary mentor. 

We will have a teach week during both of these times. This is different from the Teach Week last semester. We also did our Cycle of Learning during teach week because it had to take place five days in a row, but since we are going to be there five days a week it does not matter. One of our Cycle of Learnings needs to be in our portfolio before it is reviewed in April. 

We have a research project that needs to be completed during one of the eight weeks since we need to work with the same group of students. I am going to try and complete that during my pre-primary to get it out of the way. We were not told much and will find out more during our seminar on Wednesday. 

And that's all got I to say because that's all I know. Oh, well I will expect to see my Supervisor some time this week for just a meet and greet with me and my mentor I guess. Nothing big and I will tell you everything that happened this week next Monday. 

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