September 19, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 7 (Semester 7)

It's becoming a normal routine for me to greet the students coming in and making sure they are getting everything out to be ready for the day. After the bell rings, I began the pledge with them and then told them what to do for their morning work. 

After giving them time to do their morning work, we went over it. Then I had students come to the rug to do the calendar, weather, and the morning message with the students. This was the first time that I did the morning message and I really enjoyed doing it. During all that time  my mentor had to correct quite a bit because of talking or not listening. 

There was going to be a practice lock-down drill and my mentor wanted to talk to them about it and practice it once before we did it school wide. We practiced it once and then my mentor began the normal reading routine. While she did that I practice the goldfish game with some of the students. 

While playing the game with the students, the principal came on and said it was time. We did it and everything was fine. We went back to what we were doing before. Before lunch, we began a measuring activity and we them came back from recess we finished it. 

During math time, I got the opportunity to get my case study assessments done with my student. That went well and before I knew it, it was time for the students to go to music. I took the students to music on my own and brought them back on my own. 

We the students came back, we did a quick math thing about ways to make nine and then I got the students packed up after that. 

After school I helped my mentor with a few things, but she had to leave early, so that gave me time to find the other interns about printing and passing out the permission slip for the service learning activity. 

I left them, so I could go home because it was my birthday and I wanted to go out to eat. It was a good day. The next school day teachers were allowed to wear MLB shirts and jeans. I didn't have a MLB shirt, so after dinner I went to Target with my family. As soon we walked in I saw my mentor and introduced her to my family. It's a small world. 

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