Greeting and getting the students started on their morning work is going to be an everyday thing. I am not the best at it, like some students are ready to know what they have to do before it is time to tell them. My mentor wants to encourage them to socialize with others. I also walked around seeing who did their homework.
Oh. By the way, both students came back with the permission slips. Finally. My mentor wants me to still assess the other student in case the parents ever want to see something.
My cohort professor came in right at 8 for my lesson and we were kind of behind with morning work because my mentor felt they still needed time to do it. My professor asked for my lesson plan which I printed and I gave her a copy of the feedback form. My mentor went over the morning work with the students and after that I did the calendar with them.
The calendar went ok. I had my notes with me to remember what needed to be done. Though later I realized I forgot to do one part with them. I jumped right in to my lesson with the students after that.
To begin, I felt very nervous. Reading is not my strong suit and so I felt uncomfortable teaching them. Nothing bad happened. My mentor had me do some changes throughout the lesson that would help the students.
My professor and I discussed my lesson afterwards. She was asking me questions about how I felt the lesson went and I just completely blanked on what I just did with the students. She didn't have anything bad to say just gave me some suggestions. Like during the transitions from guided to independent to explain to the students the connections of what we did together and what they are going to be doing on their own.

Brought the students in from outside and had 30 minutes for math. Today students have two specials after math, so they would be gone for an hour. While the students were away she did planning for a field trip in October. She was busy on a phone call when the students were coming back into the classroom, so I got them in and settled at their desks. My mentor was still on the phone when she told me to have them pack up.
They packed up quickly that there was time leftover, so my mentor had me read to them a story. My mentor was happy they packed early, but they were loud while they were packing. She said that to the students, not me.
When the students all left I helped my mentor with a few things and then I checked the students assessments from during my lesson. Only one student didn't get them all right. Then I went home after checking that off.
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