February 27, 2015

Applying for Teacher Fair Interviews

So, I am next sure if I have expressed how much trouble this semester has been already or not, but I am going to be talking about that in my post.

The other day everybody from my cohort was freaking out because we needed to apply to interviews for the teacher fair that is taking place on March 20 and the day we were applying was the last day to apply. 

The college had sent out an email about it about the beginning of the semester and that was it. I feel like they could have sent out a reminder a week before about the deadline. We are all just so busy this semester with taking over the classroom and with had lots of snow delays and closings. 

Anyways, the last day to apply happened to be a closing for the county, so we spent the time fixing our resumes and trying to figure out how to apply fro the interviews. I just feel like they are not helping and making us figure out everything on our own. Though, yes we should have written down the deadline day to remember, but still.

I applied to five counties, though only one of them I am really interested in. They say to apply to different counties just to have experience. 

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