August 20, 2014

Professional Duty Days 2-3

(Day 2)
Again I got to the school a little before my mentor at 7:30. As soon as she came in she already had ideas about what she wanted me to do. It involved; cutting out pieces for the classroom jobs and more book labels, placing the months for the birthday board, place the alphabet letters on the word wall.

Then after finishing that it was time to go to the smart board session at 9. It was a joke. You could see on all of the teachers faces that they were more confused walking out and one teacher even said that to me and my mentor. That ended around 10:30 and we were going to play around with the smart board after eating, but the principal couldn't find the remote and pens for the board. 

Hopefully, when I get in tomorrow they will be there, so we can learn more about the board. I plan on watching some introduction videos about it on Youtube to get prepared because I want to teach some lessons using it. 

The county is getting new reading materials, so we had to go through all of that which was a ton of reading books, big books, lots of different cards, textbooks,and many other items. I had the task of breaks the cards apart, which took up a lot of time. 

Lastly, my cohort professor stopped by. Didn't really say much to her, though her and my mentor talked a little. She asked how everything was going. Also my mentor has been really great about explaining everything to me like with the read materials. 

(Day 3)
It was harder to get up today and I even got up later then the other days because she said that as long as I am there before 9 then I am good. Of course I didn't come in that late, though I did get to the school around 7:45ish and I still got there just a little bit before my mentor. 

Today we finally got to mess around with the smart board, but something is wrong with the screen alignment which messes up when you touch it. That made it difficult to work with. Messed with that for a bit.

Then she had to leave to take her daughter to a play date and then she also had to stop to get her son some lunch that was at the school. I cut out a bunch of stuff that we laminated earlier which most of the stuff was for my old mentor teacher. 

At the end of the day we figured out what I am going to be doing tomorrow since she is not getting in until 1:30 - 2. I will be helping the kindergarten teachers because tomorrow is their orientation. Then at 9:30 there is a meeting which I may or may not be going to since the meeting is not beneficial unless I teach in that county. Right now, I think I will not be going and may just be sorting through all of the kindergartner's materials. 

Oh. I saw some parents from my daycare at the school today registering their child for first grade, so there is a chance that he may be in my classroom. I talked to them and then introduced my mentor to them and come to find out that the mom knows her. What a small world. 

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