March 12, 2014

Lesson Plan: 2 (Semester 6)

Here is a lesson plan that I have wrote up for one of my classes. In this class I have to write three lesson plans and implement two of the lesson plans. I decided to teach this one and just to get it out of the way while I don't have too much on my plate. Ha! I always have at least three items on my pla

Note: I got part of my idea for this lesson from Wild About Firsties with the "Dust Bunnies" jar.

Phonological Awareness Lesson: Rhyming

  1. Students will be able to learn rhyming words by sorting the words into the jars.
  2. Students will be able to learn rhyming words by coloring the matching rhyme words and creating their own. 
Common Core Standard:
  • CCSS.Content.ELA.RF.K.2a Recognize and produce rhyming words. 
  • I will ask the children "what does rhyming mean?" Then I will show them a hat(stuffed cat inside) and say that there is something inside the hat. "Do you know what could be in the hat?" Then I will pull out the cat and say "There was a cat inside my hat! What do you think about that? Do hat and cat rhyme?" They should say yes.
  • I will tell that I have a new exciting book about rhyming that I want to read to them. I will tell them to listen for rhymes in the story. After reading the story I will pick a few friends to tell me the rhymes they heard in the story. 
  • After that I will tell them about a problem with the dust bunnies(make something up) and now I need help sorting them into the correct jars that they belong in. I will have each child with one dust bunny.
  • I will call the children up by calling the "Cat Jar" rhymes and the children with the words that rhyme with cat will place it into the jar. I will do the same for the other two jars.
  • We will then go over the words in the jar as a class and make sure that they are in the correct jar.
  • The students will complete 'What Rhymes with Bug' worksheets at their desk.

Note: I typed this a little while ago before I got feedback from my mentor about the lesson plan, so in the pictures it's a little different then the original plan. I'm going to be doing this lesson to two small groups and the one group is not on grade level, so I made their dust bunny words with pictures and the other group without. I also have a different assessment for them, but I didn't post that on here. 

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