Schools begins at 7:30. The students hang up there jackets and backpacks in the coat area outside of the classroom. They come into the classroom and are given a prompt to write in their journals. Then at 8 they go to the carpet and complete their morning stuff; pledge, read plans, weather, and calendar.
Next they do phonemic awareness and whole group reading. Then small groups begin at 8:50. Each child is in a group either doing, centers, seat work, group with teacher, or a star activity (teacher picks).
10:15-10:50 is lunch time and after the child are dropped off in the cafeteria, we get to eat are lunch. Anne, Mentor, and I eat in the classroom and talk. From 10:50-11:20 is recess. The snow was still on the ground, so we had indoor recess. The children went back to their classroom and do activities. During recess is when I did my 30 minute observation of the child for my screening project.
At 11:30 they had two specials and while they were at specials the kindergarten teachers did planning. at 12:10 they return from specials and do math and science for the rest of the day. During this time is when I did the other part of my screening project; interest survey. After I did that I did the concepts of print with another child. He knew everything I asked him except one thing, They are suppose to do D.E.A.R for thirty minutes, but that didn't happen this time.
1:55 is when school ends. After the children were gone we helped grade papers, put them in their shelves, then put all of their papers in their folder. I left a few minutes after 4:00.
I didn't feel that the day went as fast as last time. I think I was just worried about getting the assignments done and that's I all thought about. Then after I finished them the time went by. I got to talk to my mentor about a small lesson on March 13. Then I found out the week before they are going on a field trip to a science center and we are invited along for free. I'm so excited to observe and experience the field trip with the students.
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