July 30, 2016

TPT Back to School Sale

   It's that time of the year for back to school sales start, though to bee honest they have already been out for like two weeks already.Am I the only one the is a teeny bit excited about the new school year?

   Looking back at what I had in my store just a year ago to now is such a big difference. At the time I only have free items and they were more management or decorations for classrooms. Now I have worksheets, activities, and games. All of which I am very proud of. 

Anyways enjoy the last few weeks a summer while you can!

July 23, 2016

Next Year: Star of the Week and Freebie!

   I have been thinking about some changes that I want to do in my classroom next year and I honestly can not wait until next school to implement the changes. 

   One of the things that I wanted to revamp was my star of the week. I just didn't feel it was quite special enough. I did some searching on Pinterest and Blogs to get some ideas. I finally found a few good ideas and realized that I was already doing some of things that teachers did too. 

   I really didn't like my letter to parents. The one I have know if your one of the other teachers and I just didn't like the layout on the letter. It was just so long and wordy and not eye catching enough. 

   I decided that everyday would be something special for the student:

Monday: The student will share their poster.
Tuesday: Have lunch with the teacher and two classmates.
Wednesday: Bring in an item for show and tell. 
Thursday: Bring in your favorite book for the teacher to read. 
Friday: Class will create book for student to take home. 

I also created a star of the week crown the student can decorate and wear throughout the week. 

You can get both of these for free at my teachers pay teachers store by clicking on the image.