August 26, 2015

New School Year.....and No Job

The new school is here and I didn't get a full teacher position. Which was not a surprise because after finding out my profile was available to principals until the end of summer most positions are taken. 

Anyways a few weeks ago I went in for an interview for a long term substitute position. There was a few spots and it was decided that I would be more comfortable in the grade that I had interned in. The down side was that it was for a teacher assistant. 

I wish I knew more about how much of a money difference there was between assistant and teacher then I might have said no. I will be there until sometime in January. I assist two teachers. One really good thing about this was that I get to experience more and different teaching styles. I also really enjoyed seeing what they do on the first day! It gave me some great ideas for hopefully my classroom next year. 

I can't say exactly what will happen when my time is up here. I know that it will be a sad time and I will miss the kids. Maybe another long term sub position will open up and I will be offered it. Or maybe he will know of another one at another school that I could do.

This is the first week of school and oh I am in kindergarten! I don't think I said that. Though the kindergartens don't start a full day of school until

August 19, 2015

Student Teaching Tips

I wanted to give those who are being to student teach some tips that will hopefully help them along on their journey. 

1. Breathe

Take a deep breath. You are going to do fine at your internship. You will make mistakes, but you are suppose to. You will have a mentor there every step of the way to help and guide you through everything. And you will learn so much during you time there. 

Also, Remember to have fun and to not stress about the little things. Before you not it this will all be over and you will be graduating. 

2. Student Teaching Binder

This binder is similar to my To Do Binder, though once I began student teaching I made some adjustments to accommodate along with my student teaching schedule. 

This helps me keep organized about all of the different assignments and lesson plans that I will have to do throughout the semester. I also like to take this with me to my classes and when I am at my placement school. 

In this binder it holds lots of important information that I need:
  • Grade Sheets
  • To Do List
  • Calendar 
  • Assignment's Schedule
  • Class Syllabuses
To create this binder for yourself, you will need:
  • To Do List
  • Grade Sheets
  • Calendar 
  • 1/2" Binder
  • Dividers/ Sheet Protectors
* The Schedule and the Syllabus you will have to get on your own. 

Also when printing out the To Do List and Grade Sheets I like to print on the back of them too, so that way I can use them again while saving paper.  

Now, lets go through how I set up the whole binder from the cover to the back. I use a binder that has sleeves on the front and the back of the binder, so that way I have more places to put things. 

On the front of the binder I have my To Do List, so I can pick up my binder and look to see right away what is I need to do. I like to go one to two weeks ahead of the time to write down what will be due on the list. I also write them down in order from what will be due first. 

On the ringers of the binder, I use dividers for each of my class. For each class section, I have a divider that also is like a sheet protector where I have the syllabus on the front and then the grade sheet on the back.  

3. Save Your Money

I can't even begin to tell you how many girls in my cohort spent lots of money during our student teaching semesters. Be wise and don't spend so much. It's important, as future educators, to learn how to create amazing lessons without spending all of our money in the process. 

It's more about the content of what you created and not always just the looks. You can make things look amazing with just a little money. Don't worry about how over the top some of the other student might be doing. As long as you meet the requirements your teacher has given you then you both will get the same amount of points. 

Also ask your mentor to see if she happens to have any of the things you need. Teachers are like secret hoarders and you will be amazed by what they have hiding in their storage closets. They also don't mind letting you use there things for your lessons. 

4. Your a Student
Don't ever forget that you are a student and it is a privilege to even be at that school. One girl in my cohort became too comfortable in the school and the other teachers and even the principal did not like that (I talked more about this here). Remember you are going to need your mentor's recommendations when applying to jobs.

August 12, 2015

Back to College Tips

Back when I originally thought about doing this post, I thought I would have more tips to share, but I couldn't think of that many. I am going to link some of my college organization tips posts that can be helpful for going back to school on the bottom. Be sure to check all of them out by clicking on the tab at the top that says College Tips. 

1. Get to school early if you commute. Parking the first week or two are ABSOLUTELY horrendous. It is like a battle zone with people flying through parking lots and garages trying to find a parking spot. I always dread these weeks and plan to get there early knowing that it could take time trying to find a spot. It's also a good idea, so then you can go and search for the room because sometimes that can be tricky trying to find. 

2. Make a plan for where you park, your walking path, and all the way to your classroom. Also at my community college they had maps for inside the building, so then I could know exactly where my room was in the building when I got there. Unfortunately, my university did not do that and so I had to walk around the buildings a couple of times before I found the rooms sometimes.  I have slight anxiety and it rises when I am in uncomfortable situations such as not knowing the area that I am in, so I feel more comfortable if I know where I need to go.  

3. Don't buy your textbooks new. Instead buy used textbooks or rent textbooks, but not from your college. Use this website,Bigwords, to help find the best prices for textbooks. I talked more about this website here on another post. I used to only want new textbooks, but that is so expensive and after buying used textbooks for the first time, there was nothing wrong with them. Some of them even looked brand new. You are only going to use the book for a few months and to be honest you might not even use it all that much for class, so don't waste your money buying new. 

Other posts that might be helpful:

August 5, 2015

August Blogging

I decided since nothing is happening right now that I am only going to post on Wednesdays. That could, but I doubt it, change if any interviews happen and it becomes a job offer. I had thought about what I was going to do with my blog.  I want to keep clogging when I become a teacher and want to do it here for the first year, so I can give my honest opinion about what is happening. 

Fingers crossed that something will still come up.