May 29, 2015

Semester 8 Reflection

Earning my bachelor's degree is finally over. Gosh, It only feels like yesterday when I was beginning my first internship and I decided to make this blog to document my journey

College has gone by so fast especially my senior semester. I still remember being so nervous to apply to this college and worried about getting rejected and having to apply to another college. 

Anyways this is suppose to be about this semester. This semester was really great and I grew so much into myself as a teacher. Both my mentors taught me so much when I was with them and I know that I can always email them if I have questions. 

Both mentors told me to keep in touch with them, which I fully intend to do. I will truly miss having their guidance. I will miss working with them and their students. I will also really miss just being a part of that school. 

The principal never talked to me about a job there and that is more then fine with me. I was going to say no anyways. I think it is very early and some undecided things going on at the school about plans for the next year. 

I only had one goal this semester and that was to graduate, which I have proudly done. Now my goal before the next school year to get a teaching position at a school. 

May 25, 2015

Summer Plans for Blog

Ok, I have decided what I am going to do about my blog for the summer. I am going to be posting twice a week on Mondays and Fridays. At least through the month of May and June. I might only post once a week in July. It will all just depend on what happens. Once it gets closer to the next school year and will be going on interviews then I will post more often and will let you know about that. 

As of right now, I am not planning to get a summer job because I want to concentrate on getting a teaching position somewhere. I will also keep you update on any interviews that I have and how they go.

Sorry for kind of abandoning my blog during my last rotation. I have said this so many times now, but the time just went right past me. I think I was so worried about getting my portfolio ready over spring break because then I had my portfolio defense. After passing that I was just so relieved that I forgot about anything and everything else. 

I don't plan on doing that this summer and already have my next 6 to 7 blog posts ready and finished to be published. 

May 22, 2015

College Graduate

I can not believe that I have a bachelors degree in early childhood education. It seems just yesterday I was applying to the education program at my college worrying about not getting in. 

Anyways... I got a ride with a friend to the college. We got there right before they had us line up. We got in and got our name cards and took a cohort picture together and then it was time to get in line. We waited awhile in the line before they had us start walking and then we were waiting in the hallway before going into the actual arena. 

The ceremony got started right on time and ended almost two hours later. At first I thought it was taking a long time having to listen to all those speeches for over an hour. Then they got started on having students cross the stage. After that it seemed to happen so fast that it was a blur. 

Trying to find my family was difficult, but we were able to get another group cohort picture with most of the girls after we graduated. It was just a small area where everyone was meeting their family that it took sometime for my family to get around and meet up. We took some pictures and then we got out of there to find a place to eat because we were starving.

And that is it. Now it is just a waiting game to get hired, though I think that is going to be some time. I don't think I will find anything out until mid July when teachers have to say what they are going to do. 

May 18, 2015

Graduation Here I Come

I can not believe that I am graduating from college. That I have earned my bachelor's degree. I am proud to say that I will have no student loans. It was hard work, but i was able to that do and not having to worry about that feels incredible. 

Graduation is going to be happening on Thursday at 10:00 am. I am going to have to leave early because they want us there to put us in line and take pictures of use in our cap and gown. We need to be there at 8:30, but lots of people have told me if you are late then it is no big deal. 

I think I am going to ride with a friend up there, so then I don't have to worry about parking which I know is going to be a mess. Then I will just drive back with my parents and if we go out to some where then we will all be together already. 

The graduation is suppose to be about 2 hours long, so then it should end at 12:00. Right now the weather is looking good. Last I checked it is going to be no higher than 70 degrees. Which is amazing considering today and tomorrow are very humid and hot. 

I have mixed emotions in my stomach about graduating. Mostly I am worried about tripping when I walk up the stairs and across the stage, but who isn't. Lucky for me I don't plan to wear heels, so I should be fine. Fingers crossed. 

May 15, 2015

Student Teaching: Primary: Week 8

Today was my last day as a student teacher and this week went by so fast. 

During the week I still taught reading groups, but that was all. On Tuesday and Wednesday morning, I went and so the morning routine of two of the second grade teachers. Both teachers had their students come into the classroom quietly. It was surprising to have students come in and barely say a word. 

Thursday was a surprise. I walked in and the principal said hello and said that he had a question for me. He went off to do something and I went down to another intern. After searching for the principal I found him and he asked me if I wouldn't mind taking over my mentor's classroom for the day because they needed her to go into another first grade classroom and the sub that was suppose to be there to go to Kindergarten because that sub had canceled. 

I agreed, but I felt like I really couldn't say no. Then it was a rush to have my mentor explain everything that was planned for the morning. Also during lunch discussing what to do during math. At the beginning of my lunch, my supervisor from college came in to say her goodbye and how much she enjoyed working with us. My mentor kind of told her what was happening about the day, but I don't think my supervisor fully understood that I was teaching in the classroom by myself. 

It was all good though. Everything went well and no major problems accrued. 

Walking in on Friday knowing it was going to be my last day didn't feel real. It still doesn't feel real. My mentor was checking the students reading levels and had a sub in the classroom. I got to watch her doing the running records. Then before specials at the end of the day my mentor gave me her gift and we ate popsciles outside. 

I gave the student their gifts while they were packing up. The students were so sweet when they saw that I gave them something. One student immediately said "aww" and gave me a big hug. Another student told me that he was going to miss me so much and was going to think about me in his dreams and memories. 

Oh! Also, on Friday we provided a small breakfast to all the staff in the school. We got a breakfast tray from Sam's Club and made a fruit bowl. Nothing super special. Later in the day I went down to use the restroom and everything was gone. During the day, many teachers said thank you for providing them breakfast. One of the intern's teacher said that none of the other student teachers have ever given the staff something before. 

And... that was what my last week of student teaching was like and now I will be graduating on Thursday. I will tell you all about that next Friday.