November 26, 2014

Teach Week and Week Off

Teach week is when we teach everyday for one week to get us prepared for next semester. There is one subject that you have to teach everyday for that week called cycle of learning. It is encouraged to teach as much as you can during this week. 

For my teach week I am teaching every subject everyday. My cycle of learning is for science, so that is the only subject that I need to turn in lesson plans for after teach week is over.  _____________________________________________________________________
This is my last post until Monday, Dec. 8, 2014.

Teach week is next week and I need to have that week off to focus on teaching everyday. Thanksgiving is here and I need to help with cooking. I just need time off from having to worry about this while worrying about 20 other things all related to school. 

Have a great Thanksgiving and a safe Black Friday if you go out. 

November 24, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 25 (Semester 7)

Same old same old. I will say that I stayed late after school to discuss more about teach week. I had questions about certain things as I looked at the curriculum more in depth. We talked a lot and we planned what I am going to be doing during guided reading groups, which is great and one less thing I have to plan. 

November 21, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 24 (Semester 7)

Not much to share that was different from any of the other days. My mentor had to leave right after school. I went to meet with the other interns to discuss writing our report for service learning. That did not go very well, so we said we would meet early before class. 

November 19, 2014

Teach Week Plans Due

Teach week plans are due tomorrow!

I can not believe that it is already time to turn them in. There was a lot of repetitiveness. There were three things that we had to turn in and one of them we had to do five times, one for each time. Basically we talked about what we were going to teach, the topics, and the times. 

I have them almost completed and they are not a full lesson plan that we had to create. After teach week, we have to turn in are full lesson plans, so I began working on them because I know I am going to be exhausted on the weekend from teach week and I do not want to worry about completing full lesson plans. 

I am going to post another thing about everything that I will be teaching everyday like what subject and what the topic is about that day. You will see when I post it next week I believe. 

November 17, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 23 (Semester 7)

Again I taught guided reading groups, science, and math. 

Sorry I do not have much to say, I just really need to work on other things right now because lots of big assignments are due this week. 

November 14, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 22 (Semester 7)

I taught guided reading groups, all three of them, science, and math on this day. Everything went ok. I kind of lost my voice, so it was difficult talking to the kids and making sure they were listening. I had trouble with that since I could not raise my voice much. 

Also on Tuesday the conferences went well. Only one parent who was not their that was suppose to show up. Most of the time I was copy everything from the teacher guides for what I am going to be teaching during teach week, which is basically everything. 

November 12, 2014

Busy Busy Week

Sorry this is short, but i just don't have time to write about anything. 

All my major assignments are due this week and there is so much that I have to due. Also my teach week plans are also due next week. So I was busy this weekend and I will be busy again this weekend. 

It is just a lot is going and not enough time or at least it feels like there is not enough time. I need a week off. 

Also I did not get to plan with my mentor since she had to leave during the day, so I am worrying about that too. 

November 10, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 21 (Semester 7)

From about 11:40 till around 2:00 i got to teach the students all on my own. My mentor had a family emergency and had to leave and said that if I felt comfortable then I could teach the students on my own. 

It still feels so surreal thinking that happened. She let when the students where having indoor recess. I had them clean up at 12 and taught math, which I was planned to do already. At 12:30 I had the students line up and took them to specials. They then came back at 1:30 and I had them pack up. I read a book that I picked before the announcements came and the students slowly left. 

I stuffed the students friday folders before leaving because I wasn't if my mentor was going to be in on Friday or not and I didn't want her to have to worry about it. 

The students weren't on their best behavior, but they weren't crazy and nothing bad happened. I did send a student to the nurses office and she went home for a fever. 

But yeah. It was amazing to be in control. 

November 7, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 20 (Semester 7)

So much is happening right now that I can not even remember what I did on this day. Nothing out of the ordinary I guess. 

November 5, 2014

November Assignments

3 - Midterm Task, Reflection Chapter 13

4 - Portfolio Check 1

10 - Quiz 2, Formative Assessments, Reflection Chapter 16

11 - Lesson Plan, Journal 10, Quick Quiz

14 - Case Study Report

17 - Lesson Plan, Reflection Chapter 14

18 - Classroom Management Plan

20 - Teach Week Plans

25 - Service Learning Project, Quick Quiz 3, Lesson Plan

November 3, 2014

Student Teaching: Day 19 (Semester 7)

Did the normal things in the morning with the students. I did a read a loud with the students. Then I did a listening activity with the students to create a haunted house. The students listened pretty well. 

After that I did another listening activity with the students at the reading table during rotations. My cohort professor came in during the last group and stayed just for a little bit. I talked to her briefly about how every thing was going. 

I stay the students at lunch all by myself. My mentor was still in the classroom doing something when I took them to lunch. Everything went fine. 

My mentor and I discussed me doing a lot next week while the students were at specials. 
Like on Wednesday I will do the whole morning with the students. which includes phonemic blending and a read a loud.